Monday, May 25, 2020
Hard Love Tough Love Relationships - 942 Words
Tough Love Tough love relationships exist in both real life and novels. It typically shows a struggle in a relationship between two or more people. Without it, the development of a person, real or not, is almost flat. Authors, for the most part, have always included a variety of tough love relationships in their works. The reason is to mainly help spark some kind of interest from the readers. Tough love relationships are also created to show scenarios that could also potentially happen in real life which keeps the readers glued in to the story. It is also used by authors to show a development from a certain character and help reveal one thing from a character that the readers have yet to notice. Regardless, a tough love relationship is a keystone that hold both real life and novels. Tough love relationships keep people’s daily lives interesting. It challenges people and their relationship with others whether if it’s an optimistic tough love or a pessimistic tough love. People need tough love to help them better themselves. It hurts but â€Å"it’s a necessary pain†(Schneider 46). As for authors, authors need to included tough love relationships in their works because it is a necessity. Tough love relationships to author’s works is like milk to cereal. Cereal would not taste good without milk and an author’s work would be a bit dull without a tough love relationship. Authors generally have different definitions of tough love in their works and for the most part, the readers playShow MoreRelatedLasting Love in Shakespeare1145 Words  | 5 Pagesreally hard. Were gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day†(Sparks). Being in a relationship is tough now days, and apparently couples in the older times still went through the same types of situations couples today go through. Everyone has their disagreements, and couples never know what life will throw their way. 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Though many view Mrs. Wright as an extremely harsh mother, it is the lack of emotional support and tough love that shaped Richard into the extremely successful man and outstanding writer he became. In this paper one will discuss the relationship between Mrs. Wright and Richard and how the treatment from Richard’s very own mother affected his life as a black man and writer. Richard had no control over the encounter he hadRead MoreA Thousand Splendid Suns : Life That Builds One From Inside Out834 Words  | 4 Pagescharacteristics give definition to what family can mean to an individual or as a whole. An example of the â€Å"family importance†theme given by the novel, are our two main protagonist, Mariam and Laila. The two share a nonbiological mother-daughter relationship and also share similar adversities that they’ve faced with concerning with their parents. In comparison, Mariam and Laila share evident similarities that pertain to the tribulations of their father and mother. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
How Does Flexibility Affect A Person s Physical Health
It was rival night: West Delaware against Independence. My brother, Dallyn, was in the midst of his senior football season and they were ahead in the third quarter. Dallyn was running for the touchdown when he was brought down with terrible knee pain. His ACL and Meniscus were torn. Dallyn would now be out for the rest of his senior football season and would not be able to step back on the wrestling mat for his last year as a West Delaware Wrestler. The doctors and physical therapists asked him if he knew that inflexible muscles and tendons could have a direct correlation with tearing or straining them. From then on Dallyn worked to improve flexibility in his life. Flexibility can be described in multiple ways. One way the dictionary†¦show more content†¦Research from Mayo Clinic states that side to side and equal flexibility is probably the most important for average athletes (â€Å"Stretching Essentials†). With a lot of sports, athletes push off from side to side in fast and explosive movements. If the body is not prepared for fast movements, a harmful outcome could result. Physical flexibility is not the only kind of flexibility in life. The dictionary also defines flexibility as the willingness to be altered or adapt to alterations (â€Å"Flexible†). Even with sports, a person can benefit from having this type of flexibility as well. A teammate has to be able to work with other people’s schedules to figure out what time works best to have practice. Additionally, in sports each person has a different strength and weakness than the next. In team sports, teammates have to be able to accommodate for the other teammate’s weakness if the team craves success. A team may change positions around while discovering which person fits best at each position to help the team excel. If the athlete participates in individual events, flexibility still applies. If the athlete can work on and be flexible with new techniques, then he or she will outsmart the opponent. In school, it’s necessary a person is flexible in certain situations. One situation that comes to my mind is scheduling for classes. A person has the opportunity to pick his or her classes in most high schools.Show MoreRelatedResearch Paper : Therapeutic Services1619 Words  | 7 Pagesreceive is physical therapy, which provides services for people that are either injured, disabled, or diagnosed with a disease that affects them physically, and much more (WCPT). Physical therapy is not always for a long period of time. But for example, if a child got a broken leg due to a sports injury, their physical therapist would be that person to help guide the child and teach them how to properly use their crutches, what to avoid, and other beneficial advice for them. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The American Media Is Private Business - 1027 Words
The American media is private business. Most make their profits by selling their audiences advertisements, not news coverage. Because of this structure, the media tends to favor corporate interests such as advertising agencies and â€Å"big business†. There is also new â€Å"cross-ownership†. The leaders of media corporations and the defense industry are the same, which leads to supporting war. There is an inherent conservative bias in the American media system which is based on the economic structure of mass media in the United States. Firstly, most news sources in the United States are owned by large media conglomerates, which are many times owned by larger parent companies with investments in other industries, therefore creating an inherent bias†¦show more content†¦Statistical evidence suggests that about â€Å"three-fourths of this difference in framing is due to media bias.†(Dunham) The media is seen as conservative leaning because the way these o rganizations portray themselves in the various mediums. News coverage and the organizations tied to it should be as objective as possible. The right-wing ideas have become more and more associated with the media, according to the above statistic. Overall conservative â€Å"think tanks†and right-wing advertising corporations dominate the media, supporting its inherent conservative bias. Secondly, the media relies heavily on special interest groups and corporate sources and thus the relationships between the media and powerful sources develop out of mutual corporate and economic benefits and concerns. One method of unjustly supporting ideas is by demonstrating â€Å"flak†. Flak is a â€Å"method used by businesses, politicians, powerful interest groups and individuals to discredit opposing perspectives and to try to stop publications of damaging information.†(Pawlick) Thus, stories that conflict with the interests of advertisers are most likely to be
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Consolidated Financial Statements in IAS/IFRS
Question: Discuss about the Consolidated Financial Statements in IAS/IFRS. Answer: Introduction: SAI Global is mainly involved in providing diverse range of solutions to the businesses across the world for managing and controlling the risk. The company delivers solutions to its clients regarding management of risk for promoting their sustainable growth and development. The solutions include software for managing risk, regulatory content, ethics and compliance, risk assessments, certification, testing and auditing. In addition to this, SAI Global is also recognized globally for providing services related to company, personal and property (SAI Global Limited, 2017). The company has adopted standard accounting policies and procedures for disclosing the information relating to the performance of its operating segments. The financial statements notes in the directors report have clearly stated operating segments of the company are provided consistently as per the internal reporting system developed by the chief operating decision maker. The operating segments of the company as reported in the segment information are information services, compliance services, corporate services and assurance services. As per AASB 8, an operating segment can be defined as component of a business organization involved in income generating activities and also incur expenses. The result of an operating segment is analyzed and examined by chief operating decision maker for allocating resources to it and evaluating its performance (Compiled AASB Standard, 2015). The operating segments are the main areas involved in generating income to the company and also are significant ly associated with incurrence of heavy costs. Thus, disclosure of operating segments information is highly important in the financial reports of a business entity (SAI Global: Annual Report, 2014). Share capital of a company represents the funds acquired by it through equity financing that is in exchange of its shares. Share or contributed capital is represented in the balance sheet in the shareholders equity section. It summarizes the overall stock value that company has realized through issuing of common or preferred shares of stock (Dagwell et al., 2007). There are different types of share capital used by a company for its financial growth and progress such as authorized share capital, issued share capital, subscribed share capital, called up share capital and paid up share capital. Authorized share capital refers to the capital taken by a company from the investors through issuing of new shares whereas issued share capital is the capital that has been already issued by a company. Subscribed share capital refers to subscribed part of issued share capital by the investors. Called up share capital is the amount that has been called to be paid to the investors. At last, paid up share capital is the proportion of called up share that has been already paid to the investors. The share capital of SAI Global has changed over time due to issue of new shares. The company has acquired new capital through and thus the amount of contributed capital has increased with time with the supply of more equity funds. Thus, the share capital mainly used by SAI Global for financing its various operational activities is authorized share capital (SAI Global: Annual Report, 2014). Reserve account depicts the operating reserves maintained by a company and represents a proportion of shareholders equity. There are three main types of reserve account maintained by a company that are, capital reserves, revenue reserves and statutory reserves. Capital reserve is maintained by a company for reserving the funds to be invested in long-term projects. Revenue reserves denote the proportion of the companys profit that has been retained for future growth and not distributed among the shareholders. On the other hand, statutory reserves reflect those assets that should be legally maintained by a business entity in relation to the un-matured obligations. The reserve account is established by an organization in order to maintain adequate cash in hand for sustaining an organization. The net amount of retained earnings as reported in the financial reports of SAI Global is $376000 (SAI Global: Annual Report, 2014). The company has not reported any financial figure relating to acc umulated losses in its financial statements. Retained earnings represent the accumulated net income of company while accumulated losses depends net losses realized by it at the end of an accounting period (SAI Global: Annual Report, 2014). The profit of the company before the income tax of the company is $54,935,000 for year 2015. Income Tax Expenses for the same period is $ $15,382,000. The income tax expenses when multiplied by the company profit before income tax come out to be $54,935,000 *0.30 = $16,480,500. It is different due to the following reasons: The main difference between the tax paid by the company and actual tax liability is that there are taxes that have already paid has to be adjusted and there are some items that are not required to taxed as per the income tax act but they are included in the profit and loss account therefore it is essential to remove such items and recalculate the income tax to be paid. The different type of investor-investee relationship can be categorized as follows: Small Ownership: The relationship refers to the existence of very small level of ownership in investee. The level of ownership of investor is calculated as per financial asset accounting method. Investor-Associate: The investor has considerable influence over investee in this type of relationship. The inventor is said to possess 20%-50% share capital of investee and is calculated through equity financing method. Parent-Subsidiary: The investor possess complete power over investee and own more than 50% of investee share capital. It requires preparation of consolidated financial statements in the annual report of the parent company. Joint venture-Joint Venture: The two or more investors acquire full control over an investee in this type of relationship. The accounting requirements relates to recognizing investors share through equity accounting method (Henderson et al., 2015). The concept of control in financial management refers to adoption of adequate policies and procedures for managing the financial resources. On the other hand, the concept of significant influence in financial management refers to gaining the authority to participate in decision-making process relating to financial decisions of a business entity. The IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) incorporates the use of concept of significant influence for businesses at the time of developing their financial reports (Watkins, 2009). SAI Global is a part of consolidate group and has approximately about 72 subsidiaries across the world such as SAI Global Assurance Services, SAI Global US Holdings Inc, SAI Global Certification Services Pty Limited and many others (SAI Global: Annual Report, 2014). Consolidated financial statements represent the overall financial performance of parent company and its subsidiaries. It is prepared when there are number of subsidiaries business entities for a business corporation in order to represent the integrated financial position of parent company and its subsidiaries. The consolidated financial statements are developed by the parent company (Pham-Gia, 2009). The different steps involved in the process of preparing consolidated financial statements are as follows: A uniform accounting method is adopted by the parent company and its subsidiaries for developing their financial statements The financial statements of parent company and its subsidiaries are accounted through the use of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) The subsidiary equity accounts such as common stock or retained earnings are eliminated In case of subsidiary not fully owned, a non-controlling interest account is used The balance sheets of subsidiary company are readjusted to the current fair value existing in the market of the financial assets (Pham-Gia, 2009) The consolidation method of accounting incorporates the parent and subsidiary companies in a single economic entity through combining their financial performances. On the contrary, equity method of accounting the financial statements of parent company represents the investment made in the subsidiary company through the shares owned by subsidiary business entity. The main purpose of acquisition analysis in consolidated method of accounting is to analyze the sum of assets and liabilities acquired. Some assets are revalued during consolidation process as under acquisition method the accountants need to disclose contingencies relating to potential assets that the company may not recognize in future (What Are the Differences between the Acquisition Method and the Purchase Method in Accounting, 2017). SAI Global has associates that are business entities having a significant influence on the group through acquiring a shareholding between 20%-50% (SAI Global: Annual Report, 2014). Joint arrangement is referred to as association of two or more parties that have joint control. Joint venture refers to holding a proportionate amount of net assets in a business entity while joint operations are developed between two business entities that come together for the purpose of starting a joint operation (Henderson et al., 2015). SAI Global is not a part of any joint arrangement as analyzed from its annual report (SAI Global: Annual Report, 2014). The goodwill can be defined as an intangible asset that is realized when an organization entity acquires another organization at a premium value. Goodwill is recognized when a business entity gains control over other business at a higher price than the fair market value of assets. Goodwill is recognized as asset in the balance sheet of a business entity but cant be bought or sold. Businesses face huge difficulty in recognizing the accurate value of goodwill. The main method used by businesses for measuring goodwill is to separate tangible and intangible assets. Tangible assets such as buildings, land, and machinery are classified separately in the balance sheet from intangible assets such as goodwill, patents, trademarks and others. Goodwill is classified as purchased and non-purchased goodwill by business entities. Purchased goodwill refers to the goodwill created by a business entity through acquiring another one while non-purchased goodwill is developed over time and cannot be mea sured adequately. The goodwill is disclosed by a business entity on its balance sheet (Watkins, 2009). SAI Global has created goodwill and represents the largest asset class on its balance sheet. The annual report of the company has disclosed that its goodwill has decreased by a significant amount during the financial year. This is due to increase in financial expenditure relating to acquisition of IQMS. Also, the amount has reduced due to transfer to amortized intangible assets for the purpose of carrying out acquisitions. In addition to this, the reduction in company goodwill has also been done due to change in foreign exchange rates (SAI Global: Annual Report, 2014). References Compiled AASB Standard. 2015. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 12 April 2017]. Dagwell, R. et al. 2007. Corporate Accounting in Australia. UNSW Press. Henderson,S. et al. 2015. Issues in Financial Accounting. Pearson Higher Education AU. Pham-Gia, K. 2009. Consolidated Financial Statements in IAS/IFRS and German GAAP - Major Differences Explained. GRIN Verlag. SAI Global Limited. 2017. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 12 April 2017]. SAI Global: Annual Report. 2014. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 12 April 2017]. Watkins, J. 2009. Financial Management. Elsevier. What Are the Differences Between the Acquisition Method and the Purchase Method in Accounting? 2017. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 12 April 2017].
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