Introduction essay writing
Women'S Rights Argumentative Essay Topics
Thursday, August 27, 2020
A Strategic Marketing Plan for the Coca
A Strategic Marketing Plan for the Coca Official Summary This paper was written so as to build up an advertising technique for the Coca-Cola Amatil gathering (CCL). The primary spotlight was not on the whole product offering of the gathering however for another item, Coke Zero. The CCL has appreciated a great deal of progress for its universally referred to brands, for example, Coke and Sprite. It anyway falls behind in the caffeinated drink and game beverages department.Advertising We will compose a custom report test on A Strategic Marketing Plan for the Coca-Cola Amatil Company explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Following this, it was imperative to build up an advertising plan that will improve the deals of Coke Zero. To begin with, we took a gander at the organization and the current circumstance it is in, both inside and outside. We noticed that the organization has a generally excellent outside condition that advances speculations, has great exchange laws and the buyers hold the organization in hi gh regard. We likewise noticed that the organization holds the biggest piece of the overall industry in the nation subsequently has reliably been making benefits. After this we took a SWOT investigation on the Coke Zero item, dissecting the dangers that may block the fruitful execution of the item. When the dangers and shortcomings were recognized, a promoting technique was created to improve the absolute deals of the item. Vital Analysis Company Overview Coca-cola Amatil is an Australian packaging organization that business sectors items from the Coca-Cola Company. It is probably the greatest bottler in the South-Pacific and furthermore one the biggest bottlers for the Coca-Cola organization (Coca-Cola, 2010). Coca-Cola Amatil produces different items that include: carbonated sodas, enhanced milk, caffeinated drinks, water, natural product juices, sport beverages and prepared to eat items The organization likewise has a joint endeavor, Pacific Beverages, with SABMiller. The joint e ndeavor is answerable for delivering and advertising an assortment of premium brew items inside the nation and in New Zealand. CCL additionally showcases and conveys soul items for Beam Global Spirits and Wines (Coca-Cola, 2010). The Coca-Cola Company possesses 30% of CCL and is in this manner the lion's share investor of the organization. Circumstance Analysis-External An investigation of the company’s current situation just as the overarching economic situations will empower the improvement of a showcasing plan that can be applied concerning both the current circumstance just as anticipated changes later on (Kotler, 1997).Advertising Looking for report on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Environmental Analysis The outside natural examination is for the most part worried about those elements in the outer large scale condition that may affect the capacity of the business to meet its goals o r work appropriately. The most significant outside components incorporate political, conservative, social, and mechanical powers in the large scale condition. The examination of the powers is alluded to as the PEST investigation. The PEST examination takes a gander at the various patterns in the market featuring their suggestions on the specific business. Political Trends The political and lawful system inside a nation for the most part influences how a business works and its productivity (Payne, 2005). Coca-Cola Amatil works in nations that have stable political frameworks just as positive exchange laws that energize business development. The items that the organization produces have all been endorsed by the significant food permitting board in the nation. Monetary Trends Australia has delighted in a stable financial development over the ages. The nation has been positioned as the thirteenth biggest economy on the planet and the eighteenth biggest exporter (Dixon OMahoney). The nat ion has delighted in a consistent development at the pace of 3.6% in the course of the most recent 16 years. The joblessness rate in the nation remains at 4.9% and the swelling rate according to a year ago was 2.8% (Dixon OMahoney, 2010). As per the World Bank, Australia is positioned tenth on the simplicity of working together. The base financing cost in the nation remains at between 5 to 6%. Social Trends Over the years, there has been a wellbeing awareness battle cautioning individuals about over utilization of soda pops. Different gatherings have as often as possible cautioned individuals that sodas are answerable for increment in weight and different issues, for example, diabetes and spoiling of teeth. Australia is likewise entranced by sports. An overview on donning claims that over 80% of youngsters are take an interest in sports somehow. Thinking about this, game and caffeinated beverages may increment in deals if adequate advertising is done to infiltrate the games industry Advertising We will compose a custom report test on A Strategic Marketing Plan for the Coca-Cola Amatil Company explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Technological Factors Australia is a created nation whose fundamental income originates from the assembling business. The organization has numerous experts who take part in the improvement of new and inventive innovative items (Svenson, 2009). The nation additionally has many exploration offices and those experts trying to embrace research are supported by the administration, partnerships and instructive establishments. Market Analysis The soda pops advertise in Australia is transcendently constrained by four primary organizations. These organizations incorporate; Coca-Cola Amatil, Nestle Australia, Cadbury Australia and Mars Australia. The Coca-Cola Amatil bunch holds about 56% of the piece of the pie in the non-mixed refreshments, 40% piece of the overall industry in sports drink and 23% piece of the overall industry in filtered water (Greenblat, 2010). In showcase investigation, it is imperative to examine the shoppers, contenders, and complete the five power examination. Buyer Analysis Coca-cola items are typically appreciated by individuals from all age gatherings. It has anyway been noticed that an enormous level of individuals who expend items from CCL are those in the 16-32 age bunch making up 52% of the absolute purchasers. The purchasing conduct is for the most part guided by perspectives and way of life of these shoppers. The presentation of new items by the organization for the most part gets positive gathering while customer fulfillment for our items has been commonly high. Doorman five powers examination It is essential to break down the business smaller scale condition so as to introduce a legitimate business promoting procedure. The Porter five powers are those powers that influence the capacity of an enterprise to make a benefit or serve its customers (Simon, 2006). The Porters f ive power investigation for CCL is appeared in Fig 1 Figure 1: Porters Five Force Analysis for the soda environmentAdvertising Searching for report on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Achievement factors From the outside ecological examination, the accompanying key achievement components can be recognized The political, affordable, social and mechanical patterns all kindness the accomplishment of CCL’s items The organization holds an enormous level of the piece of the overall industry with the soda advertise The danger of new contestants into the business is little The organization for the most part supplies the vast majority of its items and has a huge system of providers consequently danger of providers is little Situation Analysis (Internal) The inward circumstance investigation includes those elements inside the organization that influences its capacity to work and acquire a benefit. It incorporates the organization assets, the goals, corporate culture and strategic (Williams, 2007). Audit of Current Strategy and promoting blend Coca-Cola Amatil current methodology includes benefiting refreshments to individuals everywhere throughout the nation and the other four nations that the organization works. The organization does this by setting up a system of accomplices, gaining new business, partaking in the showcasing and dissemination of different refreshments, for example, liquor and by utilizing different methodologies to improve its promoting of items. Coca-Cola Amatil showcasing procedure incorporates the utilization of ads, sports sponsorship arrangements, games and rivalries and the utilization of the web to advance its items. The current advertising blend can be all around spoke to by the four P’s: Product: Coca-Cola Amatil produces an assortment of non-mixed beverages just as mixed beverages. The items incorporate both universally known brands and brands explicitly created for the nation. Items incorporate soda pops, caffeinated drinks, water, sports drinks, RTD tea and espresso, prepared to eat foods grown from the ground milk. Item separation in the majority of these items is low subsequently there is a requirement fo r a one of a kind item to hold intensity. Value: The current cost for CCL items is low and extremely serious. An enormous populace can without much of a stretch bear the cost of these items all the time. Advancement: CCL’s items are advanced through publicizing and deals advancement. The solid brand name of the organization has likewise spread advancement of their items Place: CCL’s items can be bought from numerous outlets everywhere throughout the nation. General stores, shops, drink stands, gyms and other neighborhood outlets as a rule have Coca-Cola items. Execution and Financial examination Over the previous years, the organization has had noteworthy achievement and has made a great deal of benefit. The organization has had a one digit increment in benefits throughout the previous 10 years. Regardless of the financial downturn, the organization despite everything had an expansion in benefit during the period. In 2010, the organization had a net benefit of $497.3 m illion, speaking to a 10% expansion in benefit from the earlier year. The exchanging income for the year remained at $4490.3 million while the working income totalled $585.5 Million diminishing by 22% since the most recent year. The income before charge (EBIT) for the organization were $844.9 indicating a 7.3% expansion from that in the earlier year (Coca-Cola, 2010). The organization stock starting at 201
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Informal And Formal Training, Development Essay Example For Students
Casual And Formal Training, Development Essay Casual and Formal Training and DevelopmentInformal Training and DevelopmentInformal preparing and advancement is somewhat easygoing and coincidental. Normally, there are no predetermined preparing objectives thusly, nor are their approaches to assess if the preparation really cultivated these objectives or not. This kind of preparing and improvement happens so normally that numerous individuals likely arent mindful that theyre in a preparation involvement with all. Presumably the most noticeable type of casual preparing is gaining as a matter of fact at work. Models are casual conversations among representatives about a specific subject, book conversation gatherings, and understanding paper and diary articles about a point. A later methodology is sending workers to hear noticeable speakers, once in a while tenderly called the motorcade of stars. Casual preparing is less viable than formal preparing in the event that one ought to purposefully be learning a particular subject matter or expertise in an auspicious manner. Scarcely any idea is placed into what realizing is to happen and whether that learning happened or not. (Nonetheless, this type of preparing frequently gives the most profound and most extravagant learning since this structure is the thing that happens normally in life.)Formal Training and DevelopmentFormal preparing depends on some standard structure. Formal preparing may include:a) pronouncing certain learning destinations (or a degree of information, aptitudes or capacities that will be reached by students toward the finish of the preparation), b) utilizing an assortment of learning strategies to arrive at the targets and afterward b) applying some kind(s) of assessment exercises toward the finish of the preparation. The strategies and methods for assessment may intently connect with the learning destinations, or might not. For instance, courses, classes and workshops regularly have a structure yet its questionable whether their preparation strategies and assessment techniques really evaluate whether the goals have been met or not. Formal, Systematic Training and DevelopmentSystematic, formal preparing includes cautiously continuing through the accompanying phases:a) Assessing what information, aptitudes and/or capacities are required by learners;b) Designing the preparation, including recognizing learning objectives and related destinations, preparing strategies to arrive at the targets, and intends to painstakingly assess whether the targets have been reached or not;c) Developing the preparation techniques and materials;d) Implementing the preparation; ande) Evaluating whether targets have been reached or not, notwithstanding the nature of the preparation strategies and materials themselvesA efficient methodology is objective arranged (ideally, to create results for the association as well as students), with the consequences of each stage being utilized by the following stage. Regularly, each stage gives progressing assessment input to different stages so as to improve the general frameworks process. Note, once more, that not every single proper technique are precise. A few courses, workshops, and other instructional courses have objectives, techniques and assessment, yet they are not adjusted, or even incorporated. The techniques, altogether, don't manage the student toward accomplishing the preparation objective. The assessments are time after time of how a student feels about the learning experience, as opposed to of how well the learning experience accomplished the objective of the preparation. Self-Directed and Other-Directed TrainingSelf-Directed TrainingSelf-coordinated preparing incorporates the student settling on the choices about what preparing and improvement encounters will happen and how. Self-coordinated preparing is by all accounts increasingly well known generally. Note that one can seek after a self-guided way to deal with casual or formal preparing. For instance, self-coordinated, casual preparing may incorporate instances of casual preparing recorded above (book conversation gatherings, and so forth.), as long as the student picked the exercises and subjects themselves, either for expert or individual reasons. Self-coordinated, formal preparing incorporates the students choosing and doing their own learning objectives, targets, strategies and intends to checking that the objectives were met. Other-Directed LearningOther-coordinated, formal preparing incorporates where somebody other than the student determines the preparation objectives will be met in prepar ing, how those objectives will be met and how assessment will happen to check that the objectives were met. This type of learning is presumably the most perceived in light of the fact that it remembers the way to deal with learning as utilized for colleges, universities and preparing focuses. This type of adapting normally concedes confirmations and authentications. Note that this type of preparing, albeit promptly accessible in colleges, and so forth., is normally fairly nonexclusive, that is, the program is outfitted to suit the requirements of the most students and not be tweaked to any one student. Accordingly, a student may pay education costs to learn information and abilities that the individual in question may not so much need. Another type of other-coordinated, formal preparing is worker improvement plans. The plans recognize execution objectives, how the objectives will be reached, by when and who will confirm their achievement. Other-coordinated, formal preparing can be exceptionally compelling for helping students increase wanted subject matters and abilities in an auspicious manner. A downside is that students can turn out to be fairly latent, relying on the master to give them what they ought to do and when. Cross TrainingMany administrators, including HR chiefs, erroneously accept that representative inspiration can be won through financial prizes or different advantages. They adapt soon enough that such advantages are underestimated and that cash isn't the way to worker inspiration. An expert and brought together administration, in a decent workplace, is the premise on which to assemble representative inspiration. While high representative turnover thinks about low assurance and absence of inspiration, when seen from another point, the nonappearance of turnover rapidly brings about de-inspiration since the chance of movement and forward-movement is detracted from workers. It is against human instinct to stay static, playing out similar obligations day in, day out, without desires for change in routine or open doors for headway. Following a perusing or talk regarding the matter, chiefs once in a while actualize work advancement in a misinformed way, including un-remunerated obligations the shoulders of their bosses and representatives. This outcomes in a sentiment of abuse and has the converse of the proposed impact. A successful preparing method, which brings about inspiration, is broadly educating, when actualized on a level plane, upward and descending. Office heads, partners and representatives can broadly educate in various offices or inside the office itself. With foundation support, work ers can have a one-day preparing in the job of office head (King for the Afternoon). At the point when a General Manager is away, division heads can take jobs supplanting him, which is a type of broadly educating. 12 Angry Men EssayThis method accomplishes the accompanying goals:? Forestalls stagnation? Offers a learning and expert improvement opportunity? Improves comprehension of the various offices and the organization in general? Prompts better coordination and collaboration? Eradicates contrasts, hostility and undesirable rivalry? Expands information, know-how, abilities and work execution? Improves in general inspiration? Prompts the sharing of authoritative objectives and destinations. Sending individuals to work in another office at a minutes notice isn't what broadly educating is about. This must be a viable arranged procedure. Representatives must become tied up with the thought, be urged to give input and make proposals for development. They become accomplices. Departmental correspondences gatherings can be utilized to share exercises learned. At the point when workers think the grass is greener on the opposite side of the yard they before long understand their misstep after presentation to different offices. They come back to their activity with a superior disposition. Broadly educating can be utilized to stir up chiefs or representatives who have slipped by into terrible showing. After being moved to an alternate position or division, yet briefly, they hear cautioning ringers, shape up and normally come back to their situations as excellent entertainers. Contingent upon the financial plan within reach and the goals to be accomplished, the ideal opportunity fo r broadly educating can fluctuate from one day to possibly more than seven days. Subtleties must be facilitated with the receiving†office head. The student is fused inside the offices exercises for the span of the broadly educating (briefings, gatherings, or commitments). A progressively advanced type of broadly educating is work pivot, which for the most part includes expanded periods (from one month to a half year). With work pivot, the representatives job is of an alternate sort. He isn't considered as student, however is mindful over certain employment capacities, for which he needs to substantiate himself. Both broadly educating and work pivot make a group of laborers who are increasingly learned, can undoubtedly supplant each other when required and who increase new certainty with respect to their expert aptitude. These two methods lead to incredible inspiration all through the organization. Representative MotivationMotivation originates from inside, from a people own mind, the deepest openings of the spirit, mystery wants and profound established needs which propel, push us towards their fulfillment. What a director can do is make a domain where workers can feel roused. Numerous individuals experience life clouding their inborn nature, uninformed of their actual calling, their inspirations. Individuals deserted early dreams to manage lifes real factors and changes. They needed to adjust to society, family, the corporate world and different circles, every one of which directs its implicit rules: how to think, feel, eat, talk, carry on and dress. Their actual selves vanish, and get covered. It is just by activating and bringing out into the light people groups inherent nature, endowments and mystery wants that we give them
Friday, August 21, 2020
6 Best PageRank 6 Blogs To Write Guest Posts
6 Best PageRank 6 Blogs To Write Guest Posts Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!6 Best PageRank 6 Blogs To Write Guest PostsUpdated On 16/01/2018Author : Pradeep KumarTopic : BloggingShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogSeriously almost every blogger know about the below mentioned 6 blogs and they are perfect to write guest posts. Because they are ruling the blogosphere quite well and they deserve it. I personally recommend these 6 blogs to write guest posts and also dont forget Guest Blogging is also enabled on HBB, though it is PR 4 :|.#1 Problogger : Problogger is the brainchild of Darren Rowse. Founded in September 2004, Problogger has almost 3500+ articles, tips, tutorials and case studies. This site is dedicated to helping other bloggers learn the skills of blogging, share their own experiences and promote the blogging medium.#2 DailyBlogTips : DailyBlogTips is founded and maintained by Daniel Scocco. Daily B log Tips is the place where he shares what he learned along the way. The blog was nominated under the “Best Web Development Blog†category in the 2007 Weblog Awards, and currently it is ranked among the 500 most popular blogs in the world (according to Technorati).#3 QuickOnlineTips : Quick Online Tips, also fondly known as QOT, is a popular PR6 blog regularly publishing Technology news, practical blogging tips, social media buzz, and useful computer software. Launched in late 2004, QOT has come a long way is now a respected blog in the tech, blogging and social media niche. [UPDATE: QOT stopped accepting Guest Posts right now.]#4 CommentLuv : is a PR6 site and has multiple PR4 pages across the whole domain, write to your own subject and squeeze some fresh Google Juice to your own site. guest bloggers get to write about whatever it is their blog is about. That means if your blog is about cats, you get to write about cats!READ25+ Free Awesome Thesis Skins That Don't Suck#5 Digital Inspiration : Digital Inspiration, launched in 2004 by Amit Agarwal is among the Top 100 technology blogs on the Internet out of an estimated total of 130+ million blogs. The purpose of this site is to help you take maximum advantage of the software tools and web technologies at your disposal so that you spend more time doing things your really love. [Digital Inspiration accepts your post if it is really good, I repeat really]#6 Copyblogger : Copyblogger was founded in January of 2006 by Brian Clark. Brian is CEO of Copyblogger Media, a serial entrepreneur, and a recovering attorney. The Guardian named Copyblogger one of the world’s 50 most powerful blogs.Useful Posts For Guest Bloggers or Wannabe Guest Bloggers : 5 Websites That Will Help You To Get Good Guest BloggersGuest Blogging: So Why Should You Care?You Blog. Should You Guest Blog?Have you ever written any guest posts on these blogs? Do you know any other best PR 6 blog? Do share them in the co mments below.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Hard Love Tough Love Relationships - 942 Words
Tough Love Tough love relationships exist in both real life and novels. It typically shows a struggle in a relationship between two or more people. Without it, the development of a person, real or not, is almost flat. Authors, for the most part, have always included a variety of tough love relationships in their works. The reason is to mainly help spark some kind of interest from the readers. Tough love relationships are also created to show scenarios that could also potentially happen in real life which keeps the readers glued in to the story. It is also used by authors to show a development from a certain character and help reveal one thing from a character that the readers have yet to notice. Regardless, a tough love relationship is a keystone that hold both real life and novels. Tough love relationships keep people’s daily lives interesting. It challenges people and their relationship with others whether if it’s an optimistic tough love or a pessimistic tough love. People need tough love to help them better themselves. It hurts but â€Å"it’s a necessary pain†(Schneider 46). As for authors, authors need to included tough love relationships in their works because it is a necessity. Tough love relationships to author’s works is like milk to cereal. Cereal would not taste good without milk and an author’s work would be a bit dull without a tough love relationship. Authors generally have different definitions of tough love in their works and for the most part, the readers playShow MoreRelatedLasting Love in Shakespeare1145 Words  | 5 Pagesreally hard. Were gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day†(Sparks). Being in a relationship is tough now days, and apparently couples in the older times still went through the same types of situations couples today go through. Everyone has their disagreements, and couples never know what life will throw their way. After being with someone for so long, one is bound to have a few fights, but true love perseveresRead MoreThe Story of a Black Woman Trying to Find her Inner Voice in Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God 645 Words  | 3 PagesJane Crawford. From age 16 to age 40, she spent days out to look for the perfect love that like the way she described a bee pollinating pear tree blossoms. She experiences no love rather than hard work during her first marriage with Logan; she finds the conflicts between power and conquest when she was married with Jody; she finally find the love she was looking for and also understand the relationships between love and independence at her third marriage with Tea Cake. After 24 years of gradual changeRead MoreAn Ideas Critique Focuses On The Story Not As What It Is1043 Words  | 5 Pagesphysics department and the shooting that transpired there. Also, she talks a great deal about her home life, her spe cial connection with her dogs and how her life is this sort of controlled chaos. Another thing that is talked about heavily is her relationships with the people in her department and it goes in depth on how close she actually is with some of them. Beard, on top of all of that, manages to keep it all connected to this theme that she is just far too afraid to let go of anything that she getsRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Those Winter Sundays By Robert Hayden858 Words  | 4 PagesThe relationship between a father and son is the most sacred relation which may eventually shape the son’s identity and emotional stability in life. Some children are fortunate to be raised with a nurturing and interactive father, while others are unfortunate to receive a straightforward and â€Å"indifferent†bond and relation. During the 20th century, men were expected to fulfill the traditional role of a financial provider and sole breadwinner of the family. Men were deemed effeminate and u nmanly ifRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media On Relationships1011 Words  | 5 Pagesinteracting with friends. Today were gonna talk about how it affects relationships. Social media is good and has a positive effect on relationships. Social media has a positive effect on relationships because it helps with a better connection to self and friends, it helps relationships as far as finding new ones and helping your already made relationships, and finally it makes it possible for people who are going through tough times find support. To begin, social media helps with a better connectionRead MoreLove vs Infatuation703 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Å"Love is the life of the soul. It is the harmony of the universe†(William Ellery Channing, n.d.). For many, the simple, four lettered word becomes a mere state of obsession. Everybody wants to be in love but not everyone understands its true meaning. Too often infatuation takes over and consumes one’s desire to find real love. When one meets a special person, someone who makes their heart race and their knees weak, how does one know if they’ve found true love or pure infatuation? Love can be modernlyRead MoreThe Curse And The Doom Of The New World1269 Words  | 6 PagesOscar girlfriend Olga into their house. Moreover, men in the Dominican Republic are view as tough, womanizers, and don’t especially don’t cry. 3. An example of how Oscar gets when he is â€Å"crazy in love†is with Lola. Oscar loved Ana to the point it drove him mad. â€Å"The only thing that came close was how he felt about his books†(Diaz 45). Even Oscars prized procession books were second compared to the love he has with Ana. D.R does not heal Oscar instead he started getting more depressed and beganRead MoreElla Wright : The Single Biggest Factor That Shaped His Life892 Words  | 4 Pagesbecame extremely needy. The care from her own mother and kids was greatly needed. 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On one half of the story, Mariam isRead MoreTrue Love1129 Words  | 5 PagesThe Wonders of Love What is it about love that makes people search endlessly for it? We are all capable of love, yet more often than not, we seem to have trouble finding it. Often, once weve found it, we have a hard time holding on to it. Why is that? I believe its because people dont know what true love is all about. They think its all about the feelingsÂ… the butterflies in your stomach, the passion, the anguish of waiting to see that person again. And dont get me wrong, these are all
Thursday, May 14, 2020
How Does Flexibility Affect A Person s Physical Health
It was rival night: West Delaware against Independence. My brother, Dallyn, was in the midst of his senior football season and they were ahead in the third quarter. Dallyn was running for the touchdown when he was brought down with terrible knee pain. His ACL and Meniscus were torn. Dallyn would now be out for the rest of his senior football season and would not be able to step back on the wrestling mat for his last year as a West Delaware Wrestler. The doctors and physical therapists asked him if he knew that inflexible muscles and tendons could have a direct correlation with tearing or straining them. From then on Dallyn worked to improve flexibility in his life. Flexibility can be described in multiple ways. One way the dictionary†¦show more content†¦Research from Mayo Clinic states that side to side and equal flexibility is probably the most important for average athletes (â€Å"Stretching Essentials†). With a lot of sports, athletes push off from side to side in fast and explosive movements. If the body is not prepared for fast movements, a harmful outcome could result. Physical flexibility is not the only kind of flexibility in life. The dictionary also defines flexibility as the willingness to be altered or adapt to alterations (â€Å"Flexible†). Even with sports, a person can benefit from having this type of flexibility as well. A teammate has to be able to work with other people’s schedules to figure out what time works best to have practice. Additionally, in sports each person has a different strength and weakness than the next. In team sports, teammates have to be able to accommodate for the other teammate’s weakness if the team craves success. A team may change positions around while discovering which person fits best at each position to help the team excel. If the athlete participates in individual events, flexibility still applies. If the athlete can work on and be flexible with new techniques, then he or she will outsmart the opponent. In school, it’s necessary a person is flexible in certain situations. One situation that comes to my mind is scheduling for classes. A person has the opportunity to pick his or her classes in most high schools.Show MoreRelatedResearch Paper : Therapeutic Services1619 Words  | 7 Pagesreceive is physical therapy, which provides services for people that are either injured, disabled, or diagnosed with a disease that affects them physically, and much more (WCPT). Physical therapy is not always for a long period of time. But for example, if a child got a broken leg due to a sports injury, their physical therapist would be that person to help guide the child and teach them how to properly use their crutches, what to avoid, and other beneficial advice for them. Another way physical therapyRead MoreRichard Lazarus and Susan Folkman’s and Stress and Coping Paradigm1542 Words  | 7 PagesDiscuss Richard Lazarus and Susan Folkmanà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â €ž ¢s and stress and coping paradigm and in view of this paradigm explain age and individual difference in the experience and handling of stress 1. Introduction Stress is induced by life events .Lazarus and Flokman in (Cavanaugh and Blanchard à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"Field (2005) point out stress is defined by the person and that no two people experiences stress the same event in exactly the same way. Each individual has a specific tolerance for stress dependingRead MoreA Holistic View Means That We Are Essay1357 Words  | 6 Pagesthe whole person. You can think of this as different levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It s the concept that the human being is multi-dimensional. We have conscious and unconscious aspects, rational and irrational aspects. 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There are certain activities and strategies that can be undertaken by the nurse in health care settings in order to lower the risk of these fallsRead MoreRichard Lazarus and Susan Folkmans and Stress and Coping Paradigm1526 Words  | 7 Pagesinduced by life events .Lazarus and Flokman in (Cavanaugh and Blanchard –Field (2005) point out stress is defined by the person and that no two people experiences stress the same event in exactly the same way. Each individual has a sp ecific tolerance for stress depending on general level of adjustment, the internal and external resources available to that person, flexibility of learned coping mechanisms and the degree and type of stress being experienced .The rise in stress that results from emotionalRead More`` Rogue Legacy `` By Daniel Southon1296 Words  | 6 Pageswith their sword, along with secondary abilities, such as magic attacks (which use MP). 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The main objective of the education system incorporating physical education into curriculums was to inform and educate students on the importance of exercise for health purposes, ( Read MoreAgeism is Widespread in Western Societies1250 Words  | 5 Pagesstereotypes on the older adult/person and how these stereotypes may limit access to jobs, medical care or a person’s autonomy In the age stereotype context, there are two kinds of stereotype, which is negative stereotype and positive stereotype. Nevertheless, the old generations are frequently being victims of the negative age stereotype. Emile et al (2014) contend that the negative age stereotype that is targeted at old people frequently entail the decline of the physical and mental condition, performanceRead MoreWellness Components, Warm Up, and Cool Down Essay1412 Words  | 6 Pagesevery person defines wellness differently; some would say wellness is illness free, while others may say healthy or fit. Many people do not know what being fit or being healthy is because everyone they hear it from tells them differently. We all have different levels of abilities and require different workout programs and food guidelines. Diet and fitness are not the main qualities for being healthy, there are five components that make up overall health or wellness this is called holistic health, (MacDonaldRead MoreThe Sci ence Of Yoga And How Does It Affect Human Beings Bodies Or Even Minds?1056 Words  | 5 PagesAssignment Carmen Lupsac 1. The Science of Yoga Description: This article is about the science behind yoga. The big question is â€Å"How does it affect human beings bodies or even minds?†Author Alice Walton references a therapist named Stephen Cope that has done an immense amount of scientific research behind yoga. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The American Media Is Private Business - 1027 Words
The American media is private business. Most make their profits by selling their audiences advertisements, not news coverage. Because of this structure, the media tends to favor corporate interests such as advertising agencies and â€Å"big business†. There is also new â€Å"cross-ownership†. The leaders of media corporations and the defense industry are the same, which leads to supporting war. There is an inherent conservative bias in the American media system which is based on the economic structure of mass media in the United States. Firstly, most news sources in the United States are owned by large media conglomerates, which are many times owned by larger parent companies with investments in other industries, therefore creating an inherent bias†¦show more content†¦Statistical evidence suggests that about â€Å"three-fourths of this difference in framing is due to media bias.†(Dunham) The media is seen as conservative leaning because the way these o rganizations portray themselves in the various mediums. News coverage and the organizations tied to it should be as objective as possible. The right-wing ideas have become more and more associated with the media, according to the above statistic. Overall conservative â€Å"think tanks†and right-wing advertising corporations dominate the media, supporting its inherent conservative bias. Secondly, the media relies heavily on special interest groups and corporate sources and thus the relationships between the media and powerful sources develop out of mutual corporate and economic benefits and concerns. One method of unjustly supporting ideas is by demonstrating â€Å"flak†. Flak is a â€Å"method used by businesses, politicians, powerful interest groups and individuals to discredit opposing perspectives and to try to stop publications of damaging information.†(Pawlick) Thus, stories that conflict with the interests of advertisers are most likely to be
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Consolidated Financial Statements in IAS/IFRS
Question: Discuss about the Consolidated Financial Statements in IAS/IFRS. Answer: Introduction: SAI Global is mainly involved in providing diverse range of solutions to the businesses across the world for managing and controlling the risk. The company delivers solutions to its clients regarding management of risk for promoting their sustainable growth and development. The solutions include software for managing risk, regulatory content, ethics and compliance, risk assessments, certification, testing and auditing. In addition to this, SAI Global is also recognized globally for providing services related to company, personal and property (SAI Global Limited, 2017). The company has adopted standard accounting policies and procedures for disclosing the information relating to the performance of its operating segments. The financial statements notes in the directors report have clearly stated operating segments of the company are provided consistently as per the internal reporting system developed by the chief operating decision maker. The operating segments of the company as reported in the segment information are information services, compliance services, corporate services and assurance services. As per AASB 8, an operating segment can be defined as component of a business organization involved in income generating activities and also incur expenses. The result of an operating segment is analyzed and examined by chief operating decision maker for allocating resources to it and evaluating its performance (Compiled AASB Standard, 2015). The operating segments are the main areas involved in generating income to the company and also are significant ly associated with incurrence of heavy costs. Thus, disclosure of operating segments information is highly important in the financial reports of a business entity (SAI Global: Annual Report, 2014). Share capital of a company represents the funds acquired by it through equity financing that is in exchange of its shares. Share or contributed capital is represented in the balance sheet in the shareholders equity section. It summarizes the overall stock value that company has realized through issuing of common or preferred shares of stock (Dagwell et al., 2007). There are different types of share capital used by a company for its financial growth and progress such as authorized share capital, issued share capital, subscribed share capital, called up share capital and paid up share capital. Authorized share capital refers to the capital taken by a company from the investors through issuing of new shares whereas issued share capital is the capital that has been already issued by a company. Subscribed share capital refers to subscribed part of issued share capital by the investors. Called up share capital is the amount that has been called to be paid to the investors. At last, paid up share capital is the proportion of called up share that has been already paid to the investors. The share capital of SAI Global has changed over time due to issue of new shares. The company has acquired new capital through and thus the amount of contributed capital has increased with time with the supply of more equity funds. Thus, the share capital mainly used by SAI Global for financing its various operational activities is authorized share capital (SAI Global: Annual Report, 2014). Reserve account depicts the operating reserves maintained by a company and represents a proportion of shareholders equity. There are three main types of reserve account maintained by a company that are, capital reserves, revenue reserves and statutory reserves. Capital reserve is maintained by a company for reserving the funds to be invested in long-term projects. Revenue reserves denote the proportion of the companys profit that has been retained for future growth and not distributed among the shareholders. On the other hand, statutory reserves reflect those assets that should be legally maintained by a business entity in relation to the un-matured obligations. The reserve account is established by an organization in order to maintain adequate cash in hand for sustaining an organization. The net amount of retained earnings as reported in the financial reports of SAI Global is $376000 (SAI Global: Annual Report, 2014). The company has not reported any financial figure relating to acc umulated losses in its financial statements. Retained earnings represent the accumulated net income of company while accumulated losses depends net losses realized by it at the end of an accounting period (SAI Global: Annual Report, 2014). The profit of the company before the income tax of the company is $54,935,000 for year 2015. Income Tax Expenses for the same period is $ $15,382,000. The income tax expenses when multiplied by the company profit before income tax come out to be $54,935,000 *0.30 = $16,480,500. It is different due to the following reasons: The main difference between the tax paid by the company and actual tax liability is that there are taxes that have already paid has to be adjusted and there are some items that are not required to taxed as per the income tax act but they are included in the profit and loss account therefore it is essential to remove such items and recalculate the income tax to be paid. The different type of investor-investee relationship can be categorized as follows: Small Ownership: The relationship refers to the existence of very small level of ownership in investee. The level of ownership of investor is calculated as per financial asset accounting method. Investor-Associate: The investor has considerable influence over investee in this type of relationship. The inventor is said to possess 20%-50% share capital of investee and is calculated through equity financing method. Parent-Subsidiary: The investor possess complete power over investee and own more than 50% of investee share capital. It requires preparation of consolidated financial statements in the annual report of the parent company. Joint venture-Joint Venture: The two or more investors acquire full control over an investee in this type of relationship. The accounting requirements relates to recognizing investors share through equity accounting method (Henderson et al., 2015). The concept of control in financial management refers to adoption of adequate policies and procedures for managing the financial resources. On the other hand, the concept of significant influence in financial management refers to gaining the authority to participate in decision-making process relating to financial decisions of a business entity. The IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) incorporates the use of concept of significant influence for businesses at the time of developing their financial reports (Watkins, 2009). SAI Global is a part of consolidate group and has approximately about 72 subsidiaries across the world such as SAI Global Assurance Services, SAI Global US Holdings Inc, SAI Global Certification Services Pty Limited and many others (SAI Global: Annual Report, 2014). Consolidated financial statements represent the overall financial performance of parent company and its subsidiaries. It is prepared when there are number of subsidiaries business entities for a business corporation in order to represent the integrated financial position of parent company and its subsidiaries. The consolidated financial statements are developed by the parent company (Pham-Gia, 2009). The different steps involved in the process of preparing consolidated financial statements are as follows: A uniform accounting method is adopted by the parent company and its subsidiaries for developing their financial statements The financial statements of parent company and its subsidiaries are accounted through the use of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) The subsidiary equity accounts such as common stock or retained earnings are eliminated In case of subsidiary not fully owned, a non-controlling interest account is used The balance sheets of subsidiary company are readjusted to the current fair value existing in the market of the financial assets (Pham-Gia, 2009) The consolidation method of accounting incorporates the parent and subsidiary companies in a single economic entity through combining their financial performances. On the contrary, equity method of accounting the financial statements of parent company represents the investment made in the subsidiary company through the shares owned by subsidiary business entity. The main purpose of acquisition analysis in consolidated method of accounting is to analyze the sum of assets and liabilities acquired. Some assets are revalued during consolidation process as under acquisition method the accountants need to disclose contingencies relating to potential assets that the company may not recognize in future (What Are the Differences between the Acquisition Method and the Purchase Method in Accounting, 2017). SAI Global has associates that are business entities having a significant influence on the group through acquiring a shareholding between 20%-50% (SAI Global: Annual Report, 2014). Joint arrangement is referred to as association of two or more parties that have joint control. Joint venture refers to holding a proportionate amount of net assets in a business entity while joint operations are developed between two business entities that come together for the purpose of starting a joint operation (Henderson et al., 2015). SAI Global is not a part of any joint arrangement as analyzed from its annual report (SAI Global: Annual Report, 2014). The goodwill can be defined as an intangible asset that is realized when an organization entity acquires another organization at a premium value. Goodwill is recognized when a business entity gains control over other business at a higher price than the fair market value of assets. Goodwill is recognized as asset in the balance sheet of a business entity but cant be bought or sold. Businesses face huge difficulty in recognizing the accurate value of goodwill. The main method used by businesses for measuring goodwill is to separate tangible and intangible assets. Tangible assets such as buildings, land, and machinery are classified separately in the balance sheet from intangible assets such as goodwill, patents, trademarks and others. Goodwill is classified as purchased and non-purchased goodwill by business entities. Purchased goodwill refers to the goodwill created by a business entity through acquiring another one while non-purchased goodwill is developed over time and cannot be mea sured adequately. The goodwill is disclosed by a business entity on its balance sheet (Watkins, 2009). SAI Global has created goodwill and represents the largest asset class on its balance sheet. The annual report of the company has disclosed that its goodwill has decreased by a significant amount during the financial year. This is due to increase in financial expenditure relating to acquisition of IQMS. Also, the amount has reduced due to transfer to amortized intangible assets for the purpose of carrying out acquisitions. In addition to this, the reduction in company goodwill has also been done due to change in foreign exchange rates (SAI Global: Annual Report, 2014). References Compiled AASB Standard. 2015. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 12 April 2017]. Dagwell, R. et al. 2007. Corporate Accounting in Australia. UNSW Press. Henderson,S. et al. 2015. Issues in Financial Accounting. Pearson Higher Education AU. Pham-Gia, K. 2009. Consolidated Financial Statements in IAS/IFRS and German GAAP - Major Differences Explained. GRIN Verlag. SAI Global Limited. 2017. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 12 April 2017]. SAI Global: Annual Report. 2014. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 12 April 2017]. Watkins, J. 2009. Financial Management. Elsevier. What Are the Differences Between the Acquisition Method and the Purchase Method in Accounting? 2017. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 12 April 2017].
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